February 21, 2025
LED TV sound but no picture how to fix [Complete Guide]

LED TV Sound But No Picture How To Fix [Complete Guide]

It’s something most homes have now, and it’s a device that offers both sound and clear visuals.


But, it can get very annoying when instead of seeing an image on your LED Television set, you only hear the sound coming from it.


That almost makes it sound like a nightmare:


The sound is great, it’s just that the TV – the pictures don’t seem to appear.

Don’t worry, you are not the only one. 


This article will explore the reasons behind this occurrence of events and recommend possible solutions in an orderly manner.

Understanding the Problem: Why Is There Sound but No Picture?

LED TV sound but no picture how to fix [Complete Guide]

In the next stage, solutions will be discussed but first of all, why this problem arose let’s discuss. 

In this case why an image would not appear on the screen of an LED TV but the sound would be present instead. This fault can have many causes.

Power Supply Issues

The most likely cause is the blown power supply unit. Allowing for power to be sent to parts including the display screen is the function of the PSU unit in your TV. 

When the PSU is non-functioning, then it is likely sound would play but power isn’t enough for the screen to showcase pictures.

The Broken or Loose Connections

Wires that are broken or disconnected may also be a cause for sound only but no picture is displayed.

The HDMI or the A V cables may be broken or not installed properly, so the signal can’t reach the television screen.

Misconfigured Settings

Sometimes, settings such as the configuration of the TV, may be a reason for the problem.

The input source may not be selected properly or the portrait settings of the television, have been adjusted in some easy.

Internal Hardware Break Downs

As a last resort, failure of internal parts such as the Timing Control board (T-Con board), the mainboard, etc. may also come up with such problems.

These are parts that display images and when such components are faulty submitted only sound will be heard and the picture will be gone.

Software Bugs

Also, functional failure may also occur as a result of software bugs or failure of the firmware, as it in some instances is not the latest.

Such failures may sometimes prevent the television display from showing pictures even if the sound of the television is functional.

Issues Relating to External Devices

A few TV issues that arise seem to originate from the TV set when it might not even be the case.

For example, an external cable box may not display any video because of a malfunction or a faulty set-up in the game console or streaming device.


Personal Anecdote: My TV Troubles

Such cases are common. A few months earlier, I was enjoying a movie on my LED TV, only to end up with sound without any visuals.

Then I suddenly remembered that I’d have to deal with the trouble of heavy repair costs.

With a little bit of research and testing, I was able to fix it. Fortunately, it seems that I am not the only one with such problems.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Now that we know what may have caused the fault in the first place, how can the fault be corrected? How do we fix the sound without the picture problem?

This is where we try and explain the different possible solutions that would help to repair the sound but no picture problem on your LED TV.

Step 1: Check the Connections

Inspect Cables:

The first thing you should do is check all the cables which are connected to your television.

Make sure things like the HDMI or AV cables aren’t loose. Ya unplug them and then plug them in again just to make sure.

Switch Cables:

However, if the distress persists, other HDMI or AV cables and pins will be tried in case it is due to the type of cable used.

Sometimes changing the cable is enough to fix it.

Test Different Ports:

While an HDMI cable is in use and addresses the connector, simply alternate about the HDMI ports on your TV if there already exists an internal for instance low signal on a certain port.

Step 2: Power Cycle almost all TVs in the world.

Turn Off:

The mains plug of your LED TV should be pulled out from the window socket.


Keep it in an unconnected position for a duration of 5 to 10 minutes, add five if needed.

This helps in erasing the temporary issues caused by the TV, particularly, its operational memory.

Reconnect and Power:

Re-plug the machine and Power: It has been noted that many problems can be resolved by this simple step or reset

Step 3, when ready, adjust TV settings properly:

Turn your attention to the sources of inputs:

Asian spies, I meant, check the setting of the input source of your television. No, it gets on when someone switches it to the relevant input into which the device is plugged in.

Somehow, the input cannot be seen but it was changed.

Image depicted:

Make use of the picture options available within the television menu and check the adjustable parameters of the image. 

Ensure that the image is not turned off completely or the brightness degree is not at a very low threshold level

LED TV Sound But No Picture How To Fix [Complete Guide]


Step 4: Test with External Devices

Try Another Device:

To identify which device has an issue, take another device, e.g., a DVD recorder or a gaming console, and connect it to the TV to see whether there is any improvement.

Change Devices:

If the TV works with another device, it implies that the device in question needs to be corrected.

Step 5: Update Software/Firmware

Check for Updates:

Go to settings and check if there is a software update needed for the Television.

Install Updates:

If there is a button that appears for next, clicking it will be followed by the downloading of some updates – if applicable.

This may repair any technical problems that may be software-related and that have been damaging the functioning of the TV.

Step 6: Inspect Internal Hardware

Visual Inspection:

In the course of making a diagnosis on their own, you might, at your own risk, remove the back cover of the TV to examine the connectors. 

Particularly on the mainboard and other structural components as well as the T-Con board looking for signs of damage.

There is a need to disconnect the power from the TV instead of attempting this.

Seek Professional Help:

Call an expert technician without delay as even perspective diagnosis suggests as such. 

If there are visible signs of burnt parts or wires and circuits have been broken, then repairs ’ are rendered impossible.

Usually, the detail with which these procedures are done is much and it is therefore wise to have a competent person for the work.

Step 7: Factory Reset the TV

Reach the Settings:

The TV’s control can also be used to open the settings menu.

Locate Reset Options:

Navigate through the options to check if there is a button that says simply “Reset” or in the case of drastic measures taken, it will say “Factory Reset”.

If there are any modifications in the settings that are likely to cause trouble, such settings can be returned to default.

Confirm Reset:

Make sure to carefully follow the guide that you are instructed or you will have to repeat the action that has already been started with. 

Warning: all changes that were made before in the setup will be removed.


The LED TV hearing sound but not showing anything on the screen could be very frustrating.

Many times, it is a mess that you can fix yourself quite easily and begin doing so right away.

There are many ways to do the tasks that are essential to remedy the situation – whether it is merely plugging a loose cover or isolating an internal fault within the parts.

All these stages should help a user in troubleshooting the problem from its beginning to the end.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

My LED TV has audio, why isn’t there any image?

There could be several reasons for the issue which may include corroded connections.

Issues with the power supply, inappropriate or insufficient configuration settings, hardware malfunction, or malfunction of software or peripheral devices.


What are the steps to troubleshoot a television with audio but no visual output, in this case?

First, examine all the wires, switch the television off and on, modify certain options, and link additional devices.

People are encouraged to upgrade the internal hardware software, inspect the internal components, or reset to the default factory settings.

What if all of the suggested steps for troubleshooting the television don’t seem to work, what do I do then?

If all the above measures have been carefully taken and sounds are present but there is no image on the screen, the television can now be handed over to a technician for repair.

Is it possible to repair a damaged T-Con board to normalize television operation?

If you have a little experience with devices, you can attempt to fix a damaged T-Con, though it is rarely preferable to do so.

How do you prevent the recurrence of this problem to save time and resources?

To mitigate the chances of such problems occurring regularly, it is advised that you check and service your wires.

Don’t forget to periodically update the software of your television to avoid any complications and try to limit the amount of exposure of the T.V. to extreme conditions.

Phones and problem-solving in the same breath, worry not.

This is because they are taking the necessary measures such that absolute power over your LED television set can be restored while you watch your favorite programs once more.

Don’t forget to take a break if solving a problem resembles an expedition, but remember. 

More often than not, collective creativity and effort appropriately channeled should do the trick.


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